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Customer Migrations Guide: Pre Account Import

This section details additional endpoints that are available to you and might be used during the course of the migration.

PRM and PCE Pre-population with Enedis and GRDF


Use this end-point to populate PRMs and PCEs using Enedis and GRDF. This endpoint will fetch details from Enedis and GRDF asynchronously and populate the PRMs and PCEs in Kraken's database. The rate that Kraken sends requests to the the respective API can be throttled to avoid overloading the industry's servers. This can be configured using configuration settings from within the support-site.




The following responses may be returned from the API.

Status codeDescription
201 - Created

If the payload is valid, a 201 Created response will be returned with the body containing the batch_id corresponding to the batch of import requests that have been created and will be processed. For example:

{"batch_id": "abcdefgh-11111-2222-3333-1234567890ab"}
400 - Bad Request

If there are validation errors, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned detailing the errors. To resolve these errors, refer to the field definitions and validation rules.


Example payload
{ "prm_ids": [ "18925958647706" ], "pce_ids": [ "01280463057138" ], "customer_category": "Domestic" }

PRM and PCE Pre-population Status


Use this endpoint to fetch the PRM and PCE import statuses for a given batch. Where the batch corresponds to the ID that is returned from the POST /v1/data-import/supply-point/populate/ endpoint.



The following responses may be returned from the API.

Status codeDescription
200 - OK

If the batch exists, a 200 OK response will be returned with the status of the batch with the PRM and PCE ids that have been imported and the IDs that are still pending.

{ "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "imported_requests": { "prm_ids": [ "24683798432351" ], "pce_ids": [ "01412258811192" ] }, "pending_requests": { "prm_ids": [ "31341311136999" ], "pce_ids": [ "11738127511194" ] }, "errored_requests": { "prms": [ { "id": "41741213158496", "errored_reason": "EPRM000: The PDL entered does not correspond to any existing electricity meter known to Enedis. This can happen with gas or water meter identifiers." } ], "pces": [ { "id": "27137145711107", "errored_reason": "EPCE007: There is a Serious Imminent Danger on this PCE (DGI)." } ] } }

The status can be one of:

  • PENDING - Kraken has queued the batch for processing but has not yet started.
  • IN_PROGRESS - Kraken is actively processing the batch.
  • COMPLETED - All the PRMs and PCEs in the batch have been imported.
  • ERRORED - At least one of the PRMs or PCEs errored while being fetched from the industry webservices and was not imported.

404 - Not Found If the batch does not exist, a 404 Not Found response will be returned.